Recipe: Strawberry and Kefir Popsicles
Recipe provided by Kenwood. Makes: 8 popsicles Equipment: Kenwood MultiPro Compact, ice lolly moulds and wooden sticks Preparation time: 5 mins Total time: 15 minutes [ Read more]
Recipe provided by Kenwood. Makes: 8 popsicles Equipment: Kenwood MultiPro Compact, ice lolly moulds and wooden sticks Preparation time: 5 mins Total time: 15 minutes [ Read more]
Give your mum something special this Mother’s Day to thank her for everything that she does for you day after day. Celebrate her kindness and [ Read more]
Guest blog by John. Blenders and juicers are E V E R Y W H E R E. While juicers are synonymous with healthy living, [ Read more]
We’ve teamed up with the lovely folks at Bosch to create a fantastic promotion when buying selected cooling products from us. From 11th August until 7th [ Read more]
Guest blog by Emma-Jade On the scene for a while, the NutriBullet remains the popular and ever-evolving juicer which has slowly crept its way into [ Read more]
Guest blog by Carlton When we got this product into our store we really liked what the box stated it could do, so we decided [ Read more]
I love easy. Easy is best when you have a three and a four year old (a.k.a. “The Things”; Thing 1 and Thing 2 respectively) [ Read more]
Guest blog by Sean I decided to try out the new 2-in-1 Prep and Blend Blender from Cuisinart. After reading up on the specification it sounded [ Read more]