Review: De’Longhi FH1130 Multifry Air Fryer

Guest blog by Karl

The De’Longhi FH1130 Multifry fries food by using a minimum amount of cooking oil, only 14ml of oil to cook 1kg of chips. It works by using a heating element which is in the lid of the unit, with a fan and an inbuilt paddle that provides evenly distributed cooking.

SHS (Surround Heating System), delivers great performance and this technology is exclusive to De’Longhi.

The exclusive design of the heating elements allows you to use De’Longhi Multifry even without the mixing paddle, which opens up an infinite variety of recipes – not just ‘healthy’ chips! Everything from cakes, to quiches, pizzas to pastries, fresh fish to rice, all can be made inside the De’Longhi Multifry – using a fraction of the oil you’d normally use.


The fryer features a big capacity of 1.7kg for fresh potatoes and 1.5kg for frozen. The completely transparent lid permits to check the food during cooking/frying. For added convenience the the lid, paddle and bowl are even dishwasher safe. Multifry’s removable mixing paddle also saves you time by stirring and mixing for you.

The exterior walls of the Multifry stay cool to the touch and won’t heat up the kitchen like a conventional oven, making it ideal for family cooking.

De’Longhi provide a cookbook with 25 tasty recipes and they also have a website with even more ideas and recipes to use with the Multifry. There’s even an App you can download (free) – so you can plan your meal on the go or have the recipe and instructions on your ‘phone or tablet in the kitchen with you.


By using so little oil the unit not only takes the guilt out of (delicious) chips, it is also very cost effective and will likely pay for itself when you consider that a bottle of cooking oil is easily £2.50 or more!

Healthier frying, tasty cooking and unlimited menu options: what’s not to love?! Call into your local Hughes or buy online today.