Review: AEG DB5220U 4 Safety Plus 2300w Steam Iron

Guest blog by Phill.

It may seem inconceivable today with our modern digital watches, talking cars and cordless portable telephones that there was a time when there was simply no way of removing creases from garments. Before the invention of the iron, closely followed by the discovery of steam, people were forced to wander the streets in a crumpled, disheveled outfits looking as if they’d been dragged through various hedgerows backwards. The only way to press clothes was either to place them between the pages of large encyclopedias or bury them under a pile of heavy heated rocks. Thankfully though, the 1970s are well behind us and the sight of an iron is commonplace among most houses across the land.

blog template-2AEG’s catchy named DB5220U is not any old iron, any-any-any old iron. It’s designed to make ironing as little of a chore as possible and to not let you accidentally damage your clothes or burn your house down in the process. The GLISSIUM™ (roughly translated from the original German as “proper slidey”) ceramic 80 steam hole soleplate offers superior gliding to easily get the ironing job done, plus you have even more flexibility with a 2.2m textile cord with a 360 swivel radius to help you not get tangled up. The easy-to-fill extra-large 300ml water tank makes ironing for longer even more convenient as you can iron for longer without needing to refill. And more water means powerful and consistent steam pressure to ensure you can straighten out every wrinkle in your favourite clothes.

db5220u-3The base of the iron is a large rubber stand which helps the iron stand steady on almost any surface, preventing it from toppling over and causing unnecessary damage. The 3 Way Auto Off function automatically switches the iron off after 8 minutes of inactivity while in an upright position or after 30 seconds of standing on its side or face down on its soleplate. Another useful feature is the ThermoSafe™ hot base indicator, a red light at the tip of the iron, which lets you know exactly when the iron has cooled down enough to be stored safely. No more guesswork, burnt fingers or worry.

In use the DB5220U looks exactly how you’d expect an iron to look in 2016 and feels lightweight but reassuringly solid, the larger than average water fill hole helps avoid any spills. The self-clean and anti-calcium system helps the iron stay free of limescale but if you live in a particularly hard water area of the country using water softening products, for example Appliance Doctor Anti-Scale Water Softener, will help prolong the life of your new iron. Buy the AEG DB5220U online or Click & Collect from your local store.